
We're working towards a world where people learn how to code through the power of stories; a world where the narratives that undergird our society - tales of courage, hope, and heroism - are not dismissed as antiquated, but are the very vehicles through which people learn the valuable skill of software engineering.

We believe in...

The Southern Cross as our guide

While others are busy finding and following their North Star, we take a decidedly different approach: we follow the Southern Cross. We don't want to end up in the North Pole where most others do - it's cold there. In practice that means that - even though we are capitalists - we don't consider profit our master variable. Instead, we assess profit within a wider context of society and culture.

Aligning over disrupting

We are aligners, not disrupters. The tech world already has enough disrupters trying to disrupt every conceivable business model. We don't want to play that game. Instead, we want to align, unify, and restore. Our energies are focused on integrating our traditions, beliefs and stories with the world of technology - and crafting beautiful software in the process.

Both continuity and change

We're not a typical software company that believes in only chasing the latest technology, and in change for change's sake. Instead, we believe in both change and continuity - and we believe that change isn't synonymous with improvement. We believe that we are the stewards of our past, present, and future.